2025 Charities
Proceeds from Night Court will support the following charities this year, 2025:
Proceeds from Night Court supported the following charities in 2023:
- Aids to Victims of Domestic Abuse
- Child Advocates
- Children's Assessment Center Houston
- Foster Care Advocacy Center
- Houston Volunteer Lawyers
- Lone Star Legal Aid
- South Texas College of Law Houston Legal Clinics
Proceeds from Night Court supported the following charities in 2023:
past beneficiaries
Beneficiaries are chosen by a selection committee. The 2019 recipients were:
- The Houston Area Women’s Center Children’s Court Services Program assists child victims of crime and/or witnesses to crimes and their families as they participate in the criminal justice system;
- The Aid to Victims of Domestic Violence provides legal services to women who have been domestically abused but have little access to information on legal rights or the services of an attorney;
- The Family Unification Initiative helps families experiencing substance abuse problems work though the legal system with a focus on reuniting families and maintaining the family unit;
- Beacon Law assists clients with housing problems focusing on helping people who are homeless;
- Lone Star Legal Aid Veterans Unit provides free legal aid to veterans who need assistance;
- South Texas College of Law Houston Legal Clinics provides an array of civil practice clinics serving our community; and
- Child Advocates trains and supervises court appointed volunteers to provide a voice to abused children.